Friday, April 10, 2009

Introduction to the Fourth ECU in India program

I am a professor of Religious Studies at East Carolina University. See our website here: and also here: For the fourth year in a row, I am leading a study abroad program to India. You can see the blog from 2006: and a photo gallery from 2006 here: Our blog from 2007 is here: and our blog from 2008 is here: We invite you to follow the progress of our journey as 15 students, my assistant JT Pitt, and I visit some of my favorite sacred places in India. JT and I will arrive in India in early May and the students will follow several days later.

We hope you enjoy our journey.

Derek F. Maher, Ph.D. Director, Religious Studies Program Office 252-328-5332 Mail:Religious Studies Program Brewster A-327 East Carolina University Greenville, NC 27858-4353