Saturday, June 6, 2009

the india effect

Over the past few days, I've been trying to recognize the ways in which India has affected me. This trip has been filled with crazy transportation situations, amazing religious and historical sites, great friendships, and tons of other experiences that go along with traveling abroad. Going through all of this has made me want to explore more. Not necessarily overseas, but even just within the US or NC. I've lived there my whole life, yet I could give you list after list of major locations I have never visited. I think I am finally at an age where I can truly appreciate different places and/or ways of life, and I can't wait to begin even more trips in the future. More importantly, visiting India has forced me to appreciate the opportunities I've been given while growing up. I've always thought of myself as someone who goes after their goals, but now I realize that the reason I am where I am today has a lot to do with luck. I am so lucky to be a US citizen, to have an education basically handed to me, to know that I have the potential to do whatever I want to do with my life. A lot of the people I've met here, especially those in Charan Ghat, have worked a million times harder than I have, yet they will probably never have a life as easy as mine. It's a difficult realization, but one that has absolutely made me appreciative for what I have. So, though I am sad to be leaving India soon, I look forward to the wonderful life I have waiting for me back home. Namaste!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brittany,
    Your last post has made all the trip costs (including my frequent flyer miles I'd saved for my trip home this summer) all worthwhile. I'm relieved and thankful that you didn't grow up into that frog sitting on the bottom of a well, assuming the whole world is only as big as the opening of the well as it looks up. Love, Mom
